We bring to the market a new High Current Laser Diode Driver SF6090 (100A 10V). Its have ultra high power density (1 kW at half-brick size (61*58 mm)). SF6090 has an efficiency of up to 98%.
This OEM CW Laser Diode Driver driver is an excellent choice for High Current Diode Bars and Diode Stacks, Diode Modules from II-VI Laser Enterprise, Dilas Diodenlaser, Lumentum, Focuslight, Northrop Grumman, Jenoptik, LIMO and etc.
We are introducing two new features SF6090 which we plan to implement in all series SF6XXX:
1) NTC thermistor input - allows the driver to get the temperature from Laser Diode NTC thermistor and set shutdown temperature interlock;
2) Precision сurrent set-point step 0.03 A.
